February 27, 2023 – West Bend, WI – West Bend West 6th grade JR Spartans won the Sheboygan South Scholarship Tournament at Sheboygan South High School.
Pictured: Front Row – Isaac Loether, Jaxon Klas, Ricky Spaulding and Carter Ladd, Back Row: Ethan Timm, Coach Dom Ladd, Connor Worth, Lincoln Nolte, Liam Biertzer, Austin Ladd, Jameson Klug, Coach Jamie Ehlke and Emileo Ehlke.
The Spartans beat Oostburg 47-37 in the Championship game and were led by Austin Ladd (11 pts), Liam Biertzer (10 pts) and Jameson Klug (9 pts) in the final.
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