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VIDEO | The 70th annual West Bend Christmas Parade steps off Sunday, Nov. 27 at 5 p.m.

West Bend, Wi – The 70th annual West Bend Christmas Parade steps off at 5 p.m. on Sunday, November 27. This year’s theme is A Family Christmas.
Below is a rebroadcast of the parade from 2021.

A crisp night with temps in the 30’s as neighbors gathered along the sidewalk for the 69th annual West Bend Christmas Parade.

The parade stepped off at 5 p.m. and began with a float offering a moment of silence for the victims in the Waukesha Christmas Parade tragedy. People along the parade route were respectful and offered a moment of silence for the six people killed and dozens injured at the Waukesha Parade.


The 2022 live parade broadcast is sponsored by Boss Realty, Midwest Accounting, Shooting Star Travels, A Conversation Piece, West Bend Vacuum. Collett Systems, Sal’s Pizzeria, Candyman on Main, West Bend Elevator, Cedar Lake Sales and Service, Bits ‘n Pieces Floral.

West Bend Color Guard
West Bend Color Guard at 69th annual Christmas Parade


There was a brilliant float highlighting the West Bend Children’s Theatre. It brought a Macy’s Parade flair to West Bend with its magical characters and glowing tribute to Dr. Seuss.

The 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing Ceremonial Band was also a huge hit at the 69th annual Christmas Parade


A note of thanks to Boss Realty for access to WIFI and the broadcast booth overlooking Main Street.

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