24.8 F
West Bend

Jackson Police recover stolen weapons | By Chief Ryan Vossekuil

Oct. 8, 2018 – Jackson, WI – On Oct. 6, 2018, at 4:06 p.m. a Jackson police officer stopped a vehicle on CTH P for a registration violation.

The vehicle was operated by an 18-year-old West Bend man who was accompanied by a 39-year-old West Bend woman in the passenger seat.

The officer smelled the odor of burnt marijuana in the vehicle and a search was conducted.

During the search the officers recovered two handguns that had previously been reported stolen.

A 9mm SCCY semiautomatic pistol had been reported stolen in Oklahoma City. The second handgun recovered was a Rossi brand .38 special that had been reported stolen in Green Bay.







The 18-year-old West Bend man stated he had purchased the guns from a family friend and was assured the guns didn’t have any “dead bodies on them.”

A small amount of marijuana was also located in the vehicle.

Both suspects were transported to the Washington County Jail and charges are pending with the Washington County District Attorney’s Office.

Chief Ryan Vossekuil


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