53.7 F
West Bend

Expulsion hearings before West Bend School Board cancelled again

January 9, 2024 – West Bend, Wi – Tuesday, January 9, 2024 was supposed to be the second round of expulsion hearings before the West Bend School Board, however, those were cancelled. There were supposed to be two hearings Tuesday night, however the note on the district’s boarddocs indicated “meeting cancelled.”

Last week, January 5, 2024, the board cancelled another scheduled expulsion hearing.
 A call was placed to superintendent Jen Wimmer to determine why the hearing was cancelled and whether it will be rescheduled. So far, no information is being shared.

There were three expulsion hearings slated for Tuesday, January 9, 2024 and two more scheduled for Friday, January 12, 2024. Now, three expulsion hearings are scheduled for Friday and two more scheduled for January 16, 2024.

It was December 2023 when five students were taken into custody and felony charges of physical abuse of a child were sought by West Bend Police following a fight in the parking lot at the West Bend High Schools.

Earlier that same week, December 6, 2023, there was a fight at Badger Middle School involving students; one 14-year-old boy was taken into custody and police referred charges and disorderly conduct.

Later on December 6, 2023, there was an incident in the evening involving adults following a middle school basketball game. One adult was arrested.

This is a working story, and more information will be published at WashingtonCountyInsider.com when details become available.

January 2, 2024 – West Bend, Wi – The West Bend School Board will begin 2024 with a series of six expulsion hearings. According to the WBSD boarddocs the hearings will start January 5, 2024, and run through January 12, 2024.

West Bend School District logo

“Students who are engaged in conduct that doesn’t meet the expectations of the school are subject to discipline,” said superintendent Jen Wimmer. “That can go into a whole continuum of consequences with the most extreme being expulsion.

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“Generally, students are removed for a period of time through suspension pending investigations, hearings, etc. Once the hearings are scheduled the individual cases are heard by the board and the board makes a final decision.”

Wimmer said, students can be expelled from the district for significant periods of time or up to age 21.

“When you have a pending discipline or expulsion process, students are not in school,” said Wimmer.  “Their parents are responsible for them during that time.”

1. Opening Items
A. Call to Order
B. Notification
C. School Board Member Roll Call
2. Executive Session
A. Motion to convene into Closed Session pursuant to the provisions of Sections 19.85(1)(f) and 120.13(1)(c) Wisconsin Statutes, for the purpose of considering disciplinary charges against a student for allegedly engaging in conduct that endangered the property, health and safety of others while at school or while under supervision of school authority.

It was December 8, 2023, when five students were taken into custody and felony charges of physical abuse of a child were sought by West Bend Police following a fight in the parking lot at the West Bend High Schools.

Earlier that same week, December 6, 2023, there was a fight at Badger Middle School involving students; one 14-year-old boy was taken into custody and police referred charges and disorderly conduct.

Later on December 6, 2023, there was an incident in the evening involving adults following a middle school basketball game. One adult was arrested.


On a side note: The drawing was held for ballot placement in the April 2, 2024 Spring Election.

There are two seats up for election on the West Bend School Board. The ballot order is below.

Chris Zwygart

Bill Schulz

Chris Jenkins

Sonal Ramani

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