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Slinger improves to 6-1 with a convincing win against Nicolet | By Delaney Braun

October 1, 2022 – Slinger, WI – The Slinger Owls improved to 6-1 with a win against Nicolet High School. The Owls have had a convincing season and continued to carry their success into Friday night against the Knights.


Off the bat, senior quarterback Tanner Hora looked very comfortable in his passing abilities and running backs junior Mark Leidel and senior Avery Kurth were incredible, marching the ball down field like a bulldog.

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At 6:45 in the first quarter, Leidel had a one-yard fumble recovery for a touchdown. Slinger defensive players including seniors Luke German, Jacky McClintock, and Adam Loesche were able to stop the Nicolet offense from pushing forward the rest of the game.

In the second quarter, Avery Kurth stunned the Nicolet offense with two touchdowns. The first was at 7:17 with a five-yard run, the second at 4:14 with a 40-yard run putting Slinger up 21-0 at half.

With no surprise, Kurth struck again with two more touchdowns in the second half. His first was a lofty 57-yard pass from Hora at 4:01, the second TD came at 2:32 on an easy one-yard run into the end zone.

Kurth finished the game with 23 rushing attempts for 176 yards and 2 receptions for 68 yards. The final score was 35-6.

The student section and community brought high energy to the game Friday night to celebrate Slinger’s homecoming. It was encouraging to see all the support have a positive impact on the team as it notched yet another victory.

Next week, Slinger plays in Hartford in the annual Coaches vs. Cancer game at 7 p.m.

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