Washington Co., WI – There’s an emotional issue for animal lovers regarding a recent assist by the Washington County Humane Society to help with 22 Golden Retrievers in Richfield. The request was made by the Washington County Sheriff’s Department.

According to Kay Amland, executive director of the Washington County Humane Society, they received a call around 2 p.m. Saturday, March 1, 2025.
“The Sheriff’s office asked that we pick up an impound of adult dogs and puppies because the owner was in the hospital,” said Amland.
There were 22 animals at the home in Richfield, Wi. “There were 11 puppies and 11 adult Golden Retrievers” said Amland. “We never had contact with this owner before, no.”

Amland said the Humane Society is the point of contact should the Sheriff run into a situation where conditions were not favorable for the animals and where animals would need to be impounded.
“We do check those conditions, but we have absolutely no authority,” said Amland. “We have a contract with Washington County Sheriff’s Department to follow their direction when it comes to impounds.”
Washington County Sheriff Martin Schulteis said this call started as a welfare check from a passerby that turned into a medical transport. “There were concerns about the animals’ wellbeing and for the homeowner’s ability to care for the dogs,” he said.
Two caregivers from the Humane Society made two trips to the home and brought the animals to the Humane Society which acts, according to Amland, as the “holding facility for all impounded animals in Washington County.”
“Of course, we take care of the animals,” said Amland.
Because the situation is an open investigation, Amland was unable to comment on the condition of the dogs.
Jennifer Fischer, the animal services manager at the Humane Society, said other than law enforcement, there were no other adults at the home at the time of the animal pickup.
Following direction from the Sheriff’s Department the WCHS was not allowed to release any of the animals, so they were held for about a week.

“We were in contact, back and forth with the owner and with the sheriff’s department, and then the owner made the decision to surrender the animals over to us,” said Amland. “We have that in writing and there were multiple people in the surrender room that read over the surrender contract with the owner.”
“After the surrender we just moved forward with getting all the dogs cleaned up,” said Amland, who made clear that “since the dogs weren’t legally WCHS animals, they weren’t able to groom or bathe them” until they were signed over.
Click HERE for surrender details at the Washington Co. Humane Society
The animals were later all spayed and neutered, which is a normal part of policy at WCHS.
“That’s part of our mission to stop the overpopulation of animals. So, every animal that comes through the shelter, with rare exception, is spayed and neutered,” said Amland.
Questioned whether the owner was aware that surrendering the animals meant they would be spayed/neutered, Amland said, “Yes.”
“She (the owner) knew she was surrendering them over to us and for us to move forward with placing them on the adoption floor and to go to new homes,” said Amland.
Below is a post published on social media by the Washington County Humane Society.
An update on the recent impound of Golden Retrievers:
WCHS was asked by the Washington County Sheriff’s Department to impound a large number of Golden Retrievers. The owner willingly surrendered legal ownership of the dogs shortly after their arrival. We then provided necessary medical care, grooming, and enrichment.
This is part of an ongoing investigation, so we can’t comment further about that. Fortunately, our organization was able to respond to an animal crisis in our community, and we’re indebted to our volunteers, donors, and partners for enabling us to be an animal safety net.
Due to the sensitivity of the situation, vet availability, and the demand for the breed, their adoption was not widely publicized. They were posted on our website when available for equitable exposure, as is done with all pets that come through our doors. At this time, loving homes have come forward and taken in all the Goldens. We encourage our community to consider adopting our pets that are still awaiting homes.
While we know a shelter is no substitute for a permanent home, we firmly believe that all pets at WCHS are cared for with loving and capable hands, live in a clean and modern facility, and receive the best care and advocacy possible. Proof of that can be seen below in the photos of our incredible staff.
Finally, we want to again thank those involved for their empathic response to the situation, and to the adopters who have opened their hearts and homes to each dog. We’re proud to serve the pets and people of Washington County.
Photos courtesy Washington County Humane Society
sounds like they were threatened with legal action by a bunch of bullies after a medical episode. dont trust the gov.
This is why we don’t trust the Washington County Humane Society. They do not practice fair and honest methods. They should have made these dogs known to the public because there might have been other people interested too. When we adopted from them they were not honest instead just wanted a dog adopted. Then when we moved to Chicago area the company I worked for was downsizing the office. I called them to see if they needed anything and if they wanted stuff to sell at their rummage sale. My husband and I rented a van and drove the 2 hours to their location. Instead what we got was attitude from some lady and then she didn’t want it. I told her the person I talked to and explained. She said I don’t care but called and took the stuff. They never thanked us or the company I worked for. What jerks!
WCHS had to know these 22 goldens were from a very caring breeder. They may have had grinch feet or a couple mats behind their ears and in their panties. Very typical of goldens. Look at the pictures you took of these dogs and you can see how friendly they are. They should have put the word out so others could claim them. This owner was very well known and respected in the golden retriever community. She NEVER willingly would have signed her dogs over to any humane society. What the WCHS society did was stop a wonderful lineage of health tested, DNA tested beautiful Grand Champion dogs and future offspring. To spay & neuter puppies younger than at least a year old is cruel. These puppies need those hormones to strength their bones. I hope WCHS pays for their care in the future when they have hip dysplasia from being neutered too early!