34.5 F
West Bend

2025 Mother Cabrini Award winner | By William Waech

February 1, 2025 – West Bend, Wi – Each year, prior to Catholic Schools Week, a committee will convene to elect/determine the recipient of the annual St. Frances Cabrini Mother Cabrini Award established in 1988.
The committee will consist of the winners of the three previous years, as well as the Principal or the Pastor. The award is a “Chambers” certificate and a tiny saint of their choosing. The criteria to be considered, but not limited to include Perseverance, Missionary Zeal, Simplicity and Educational Mission.

Recognizing past winners still teaching today include Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Mac, Mrs. Graper, Mrs. L, Mrs. Lehnerz, Mrs. Heinen, Mrs. Wolfe, and Mrs. Lammert. Thank you for continuing to be shining examples at SFC.


Now to present this year’s Mother Cabrini Award winner.

This teacher has a heart for praying for others. She is the first one to ask how you are doing when you are going through a tough time and always makes sure you know she is praying for you. She is one of our prayer warriors you want in your corner when you need God to listen. She loves little kids and guiding them on a path toward God.


She especially loves doing this with her grandkids. The church and school at Cabrini are her top priorities beyond her family. Her time here spans back to 2001, almost 24 years here at Cabrini. She is the definition of Loyal.

During that time, she has been moved around to Aftercare, aide, enrichment care, K4 teacher, asked to try new things, try different time frames to work and like the apostles, after the holy spirit descended on them, Mrs. Deb Lehnerz goes out to serve the Lord in His church and school. She is a humble servant of God and is very deserving of this year’s Mother Cabrini Award. Congratulations to Mrs. Deb Lehnerz.


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