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2022 Slinger Nationals doubles winners pay to $20,000 | Photo courtesy Sleeveless Bob Photography

February 25, 2022 – Slinger, WI —The winner of the 2022 WABAM Slinger Nationals will take home a record amount as Slinger Speedway announces the prestigious super late model race will pay $20,000 to win.
Slinger Speedway, nationals
The WABAM Slinger Nationals will take place on Tuesday night July 12, 2022, and California super late model star Derek Thorn has already committed to entering the event.
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Future major driver announcements are forthcoming as the race has received strong interest from the best drivers in the Midwest and many top national super late model competitors as well as NASCAR stars past and present.
The newly announced $20,000 winner’s share combined with the grassroots lap leader bonus effort which has surpassed $16,000 the past few years makes the WABAM Slinger Nationals the richest asphalt super late model race in Wisconsin.
Fans can save $5 ordering advance tickets online at slingersuperspeedway.com.
The Slinger Nationals was named the “2020 Outstanding Short Track Racing Event of the Year” by Racing Promotion Monthly (RPM), securing its status as a short track, must-see, crown-jewel event.

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