43.3 F
West Bend

2016 Amazing Ride for Alzheimer’s Officially Under Way

TRIBUTE (2)My plane left at 630 a.m. for New Mexico. Today I’m traveling and riding in honor of Pat Bohn of West Bend, co-owner of Bits ‘n Pieces Floral. I’ve shared a moving testimonial from Pat’s wife, Deb, on her role as caregiver on my trip blog. Last year Pat revealed in a video on WashingtonCountyInsider that he had Alzheimer’s.

For the next three weeks I’ll be riding each day in honor of people in and around West Bend, Washington County and neighboring communities. which helps me to remain focused on the tour and my goal to raise funds for Alzheimer’s programs at Cedar Community.

This morning I’ll be landing in Albuquerque, NM, where I’ll start the adventure. Looking forward to an “amazing ride” for Alzheimers!

Read more at imthebikewriter.blogspot.com

Feel free to join the tour and let me ride in tribute to someone you know.




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