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2 women facing drug charges arrested in Fond du Lac Co. with approximately 1,500 fentanyl pills | By Fond du Lac Co. Sheriff

February 14, 2024 – Fond du Lac Co., Wi – A Fond du Lac County K9 handler recently conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle on I41 for an equipment violation. The vehicle was occupied by two females from Menasha and Appleton. During the traffic stop there were several indicators of drug activity present, and the deputy asked the owner of the vehicle for consent to search, which was granted.


During the search, a single blue M-30 pill was located. The pill was labeled as an oxycodone pill however due to the trend of increased in counterfeit prescriptions it was believed the pill was a fentanyl pressed pill.
Both females were taken into custody and transported to the Fond du Lac County Jail on multiple drug and bail jumping charges.
Once at the jail, correctional staff located a significant amount of counterfeit oxycodone pills on the 26-year-old female. The additional pills were concealed on her person and were discovered on a search.
The suspected fentanyl pills weighed approximately 174 grams and packaged in various smaller baggies. Based off the weight of the pills it is believed there was approximately 1,500 fentanyl pills in total headed to the Fox Valley area.
The 26-year-old female from Appleton has six open misdemeanor cases including multiple drug cases, retail theft, and resisting/obstructing an officer.
The 25-year-old female from Menasha has two open felony and two open misdemeanor cases including multiple drug charges.
It is important to know that laboratory testing indicates seven of every 10 pills seized by the DEA contains a lethal dose of fentanyl. So far in 2024, the DEA has already seized over 11,700,000 fentanyl pressed pills, and in 2023, the DEA seized a record 74,500,000 fentanyl pills.
Most of these pressed pills are manufactured to look like authentic prescription medications. Never accept pills from a friend, and only consume medications prescribed to you and purchased at a legitimate pharmacy.

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