41.5 F
West Bend

Letter to the Editor | $165 million with interest West Bend School referendum | By Mary Weigand

October 1, 2024 – West Bend, WI – Dear Editor, my husband Dave and I both grew up attending schools and graduating from the West Bend School District. Our four children attended schools here, and Dave proudly served a term on the school board.

Letter to the Editor $165

We hardly recognize the so-called education students receive today in the WBSD.


For example, while we are well aware of excellent literature choices for students, the WBSD chooses to allow and even encourage students to use materials that are full of profanity and sadly, sexually explicit materials.


Concerned parents and citizens tried to get objectionable material removed, and they even made suggestions for great classical literature, but had minimal success.


Students in the WBSD still learn from materials that have graphic descriptions of sex and violence. Profanity abounds in many of the district’s choices of educational material.


Gender confusion is alive and well in some materials.


While test scores are down, woke ideology is up.


Enrollment keeps going down, yet costs keep going up.


Wholesome and uplifting educational choices that will help guide our children and encourage them to be happy and productive adults does not seem to be the preferred choice of the WBSD.


What do we do? Reward them with more of our money?


The WBSD is currently asking for more money to run our local schools. A referendum will be on the November 5 ballot. They are asking for $165 million, interest included.


Rewarding them with more money for doing such an inferior job only encourages them to continue to do the same.


Homeowners and renters all suffer when taxes go up. Please vote no with us on the referendum question on November 5.


Thank you.

Mary P Weigand

Town of Trenton


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