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West Bend

Amazing Ride for Alzheimer’s | Interesting signs in Florida Keys

January 30, 2021 – Florida Keys –  There is an interesting mix of signs in the Florida Keys  It is a blend of the Wisconsin Dells with a smidge of Route 66 and a little Barnum Bailey for good measure.

The flamingo in the Pink Plaza sign was outlined with neon piping lighting. The pale pink color reminded me of the “It’s a girl” baby pins mom’s used to get in the hospital maternity ward.

Love the Art Deco of the old school motel signs.

This one is my favorite. I had to look twice, then I couldn’t stop staring. I totally have to track down these guys before I leave. They are brave.

We should get the Bell family from Cedar Lake Sales to recreate this ad.

Judy Steffes is currently on a road trip in the Florida Keys, raising contributions for music and exercise programs at Cedar Community in West Bend in honor of her late dad, Al Steffes, who suffered from the disease.

CLICK HERE to donate securely online. (In “comments” section” add the note “Judy’s Bike Ride”)


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