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Man arrested for 5th OWI by Washington Co. Sheriffs

November 16, 2020 – A 40-year-old City of Fond du Lac man is in custody after he was arrested for his 5th offense OWI late Sunday evening on I41.

What made this particular arrest so disturbing was that the driver was traveling 104 mph at the time of the stop.

The man was initially clocked in the area of the I41/US 45 split traveling southbound at 11:39 p.m. A second deputy was able to stop the driver in the Village of Menomonee Falls. The driver was revoked. He was also supposed to have an ignition interlock device on the vehicle.

The driver failed field sobriety testing and had a preliminary breath sample at over two times the legal limit for a first time offender.

Washington County Sheriff Martin Schulteis said, “It is terrifying knowing there are individuals out there who simply do not get it. This case is an example of someone who has no regard for the safety of others and needs to be held accountable to society for their complete inability to function within our community.”

The sheriff said, “Our goal at the sheriff’s office is to reduce victimization and enhance the quality of life for our citizens. I am appreciative of our staff that keeps a watchful eye to protect our good citizens from individuals that make a willful decision to get behind the wheel when they are clearly incapable of responsible decision making.”

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