33.4 F
West Bend

$10,000 winner at Garden Lounge, Boardroom, Inferno

November 9, 2020 – West Bend, WI – Erick Mogen, 35, of Slinger was standing at the Garden Lounge last week Sunday, November 1 when his phone rang.

Garden Lounge, winner

He didn’t answer. He was busy watching the owner of the Garden Lounge select its first $10,000 Cash Grab winner.

“My phone actually rang twice and I didn’t recognize the number so I didn’t answer.” Mogen laughs.

The person calling was Jeremy Hahn, owner of the Garden Lounge. He wanted to tell Mogen that HE was the winner of the $10,000 grand prize.

“It was pretty exciting that he was actually here and we went and grabbed the big check so we could present it to him,” said Hahn. “People can enter the Cash Grab contest for free and every dollar that goes into the gaming machine means another entry, at the end of the month we pull the info and pick a winner.”

Hahn said Mogen was one of 300 people who entered to win.

Mogen said he’s planning on paying off a couple bills. “I’ll also set a little bit aside and do something special with the kids,” he said.

Cash Grab cards for the $10,000 grand prize are available at The Garden Lounge, The Boardroom, 258 N. Main Street, and The Inferno, 140 N. Main Street.


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