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1 person killed and 5 children treated and released in Dodge County crash | By Dodge Co. Sheriff

June 25, 2024 – Dodge Co., WI –   On Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at approximately 2:21 p.m., the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office responded to a motor vehicle crash on County Highway S at the intersection of County Highway G in the township of Beaver Dam, about 3 miles south of the city of Beaver Dam.

Image of Dodge County Sheriff's badge

Initial investigation showed a 2021 Honda CR-V was traveling east on County Highway S when it failed to stop at the stop sign at County Highway G.
A 2008 Honda Odyssey was traveling south on County Highway G when it struck the Honda CR-V. The Honda Odyssey was being operated by a 35-year-old female from rural Watertown, who was transported to Marshfield Medical Clinic in Beaver Dam with minor injuries.
The Honda Odyssey had 5 passengers, a 13-year-old male, 11-year-old female, 9-year-old female, 6-year-old female, and 2-year-old female, who were also transported to Marshfield Medical Clinic as a precaution and all occupants of the Honda Odyssey were treated and released.
The Honda CR-V had three occupants and the operator, a 68-year-old female from Alma, Wisconsin, was flown from the scene by helicopter to Summit Hospital in Oconomowoc with non-life-threatening injuries.
A 66-year-old female passenger from Waubesha, Minnesota was transported by ambulance to Marshfield Medical Clinic in Beaver Dam for minor injuries and was treated and released.
A 69-year-old female passenger from Alma, Wisconsin was transported from the scene to Summit Hospital in Oconomowoc by helicopter and later died at the hospital.
The crash remains under investigation by the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office Crash Investigation Team.
Assisting at the scene was the Beaver Dam Paramedics, Beaver Dam Fire Department, Juneau EMS, Dodge County Emergency Response Team, the Dodge County Medical Examiner’s Office, and the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office Chaplains.
Questions may be directed to Sheriff Dale J. Schmidt.

June 25, 2024 – Dodge Co., Wi – Motorists will want to pay attention if you’re traveling through Dodge County as the intersection of County Road G/County Road S is closed. The location was shut down around 3:15 p.m.

intersection crash

The intersection at County Road G and County Road S is currently closed due to a traffic accident. The area will be closed for a couple of hours for crash investigation, please avoid the area.

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