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Person allegedly responsible for fatal crash in Dodge Co. was in US illegally | By Dodge Co. Sheriff

January 31, 2025 – Dodge Co., Wi – Dodge County Sheriff Dale Schmidt has provided more details on a 2-vehicle crash from January 26, 2025, on County Road A at County Road B in the town of Beaver Dam, Dodge County, Wi. According to Schmidt the person reportedly responsible for the fatal crash was in the United States illegally.  Details are below.

On January 26, 2025, Hector Jared Toscana Perez, 32, who has no legal status in the United States and who has previously been deported from the United States in 2019, was driving the pickup truck which we believe caused this crash. Here is additional background information. Hector Jared Toscana Perez allegedly took a company vehicle without permission of the company and drove the truck while under the influence of alcohol and without a valid driver’s license.

Note: The purpose of requiring a driver’s license in the United States is to ensure that only people who are legally permitted to in our country, and only people who have been properly trained on our traffic laws and traffic regulations, may operate a vehicle on the roadway. This is done to improve education and understanding of our traffic laws, ensure the law is followed, and keep other motorists and pedestrians safe from harm.

Hector Jared Toscana Perez allegedly approached the intersection of County B and County A and failed to stop the sign, and it appears made little or no attempt to slow down. As a result, he crashed into the 2006 Cadillac Escalade. The crash resulted in the death of Matias Roblero Emanuel, 30, who had been residing in Tennessee.

Five people occupied the 2006 Cadillac Escalade. Adam Mead, 35, of Fox Lake, Sheila Mead, 39, of Fox Lake, and their three children ages 7, 11, and 13. Thankfully the children suffered mostly minor non-life-threatening injuries.

However, Adam and Sheila suffered significant injuries resulting in the need to immediately fly them to a trauma center for further care. I was fortunate enough to speak with Adam Mead the next day and while he was thankful to be able to speak with me, he was in significant pain and had a long road to recovery.

Additionally, I learned that these individuals were in the area working for the company South State Contractors, Inc. Interviews with supervisors from that company revealed they knew their employees were not legal residents of the United States. This information has been provided to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for their follow-up.

This incident has had significant impacts on not only the deceased victim and his family but also the family of five who were victimized. Additionally, others who witnessed the crash are also now struggling to overcome the memory of this horrific fatal crash.

Hector Jared Toscana Perez is recovering from his serious injuries and is facing the following requests for charges. It is anticipated that he will be booked into jail this weekend, and the following charges will be requested.

Homicide by Intoxicated Use of a Motor Vehicle
Operating a Motor Vehicle without Owner’s Consent
Operating without a Valid Driver’s License resulting in Death
3 counts of Injury by Intoxicated use of a Motor Vehicle
Failure to Yield Right of Way resulting in Death

Of course, all persons are innocent until proven guilty in court.

Finally, Hector Jared Toscana Perez also has a detainer which has been placed by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). We will work with ICE to process deportation at the appropriate time, for a second time.

According to Sheriff Schmidt, “This is an incident that never should have occurred. Individuals in our country continue to blatantly violate Federal Immigration Laws and individuals at the Federal level have failed to protect our citizens by properly enforcing the federal immigration laws. This is one of many incidents that angers me as the sheriff, and the community needs to know how the federal government has failed our community in the past by failing to properly enforce immigration laws in our country. I look forward to the new administration that has finally taken steps to take this significant risk to public safety, seriously.

I would like to thank all of the men and women who responded to this scene to assist all those in medical need. This was a very violent crash that will certainly have long-lasting impacts not only on those who were involved but those who witnessed and assisted at the scene.”

Sheriff Dale J. Schmidt

January 26, 2025 – Dodge Co., WI – On January 26, 2025, at approximately 4:30pm, Dodge County Sheriff’s Office Deputies were dispatched to a two-vehicle crash on County Road A at County Road B in the town of Beaver Dam, Dodge County, Wisconsin.

Initial investigation shows a 2024 Ford F150 pickup truck was traveling eastbound on County Road B and failed to stop at the stop sign on County Road B at County Road A.

The pickup truck was struck by a 2006 Cadillac Escalade traveling northbound on County Road A. Both vehicles came to a stop in a field on the northeast corner of the intersection.

A passenger in the pickup, a 30-year-old male from Tennessee, was ejected from the vehicle and subsequently succumbed to his injuries on the scene.

The driver of the pickup truck, a 32-year-old male from Tennessee, was transported by Beaver Dam Emergency Medical Technicians with serious life-threatening injuries, where he was taken into custody for Operating While Impaired, first offense. The driver of the pickup was then flown to the Aurora Summit Hospital due to serious, life-threatening injuries.

The driver of the Escalade, a 35-year-old male from Fox Lake was flown to the Marshfield Medical Center in Beaver dam with serious, life-threatening injuries.

A 38-year-old female passenger in the Escalade, also from Fox Lake was also flown to the Marshfield Medical Center in Beaver Dam with serious life-threatening injuries.

The driver of the Escalade and the adult female passenger were subsequently flown to the Aurora Summit Hospital due to their injuries.

The three children in the Escalade were transported to the Marshfield Medical Center in Beaver Dam with minor, non-life-threatening injuries. One of the juvenile passengers in the Escalade was later transported to the UW-Madison Hospital due to her injuries.

Assisting at the scene were City of Beaver Dam Police Department, the Dodge County Emergency Response Team (DCERT), Flight for Life of Wisconsin, UW Medflight, Beaver Dam EMS, Beaver Dam Fire Department, and the Dodge County Chaplains.

The names of all parties are being withheld pending family notification and the crash remains under investigation by the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office Crash Investigation Team.

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