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West Bend

Chickens may rule the roost at Monday’s West Bend Common Council meeting

Image result for 1930s chickens in west bend

Jan. 6, 2019 – West Bend, WI – Here we go again. Monday night, Jan. 7 the West Bend Common Council will address the chicken issue as aldermen vote on changes to the ordinance and whether to finally allow chickens in the community.

The issue was tabled at the Dec. 17, 2018 meeting. Aldermen had some questions and there was extensive discussion. Click HERE to read more and watch the meeting video.

Changes were made to the proposed ordinance (see below) or click HERE for item 8. Monday, another vote will be taken on the issue.

proposed chicken ordinance

amended chicken ordinance



In March 2017 the council voted against allowing chickens. A number of people spoke in favor but aldermen “were not in favor of changing the ordinance for a small number of people who might want to raise chickens. They talked about how animals shouldn’t be confined and if people want to raise  livestock, they should find property in town or outside city limits. They also were concerned about predators, rodents, smell and enforcement.


District 1 alderman John Butschlick is strongly against the idea. “We had a farm with chickens and the feces smells, they draw rodents and they definitely will draw fox to the city and dogs will chase chickens down if they get loose. This is going to create a total nightmare,” he said.

District 2 alderman Mike Christian said he is in favor of allowing chickens. “Unless I hear some really powerful opposition,” he said.

Monday’s meeting is open to the public. It begins at 6:30 p.m. in the council chambers at City Hall, 1115 S. Main Street, West Bend.


Photo courtesy Ephemera Obscura

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