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Washington County considers fiscal sustainability plan for County Parks

April 20, 2017 – Washington Co., WI – The Washington County Public Works Committee is set to review the first draft of a Fiscal Sustainability Plan for Washington County Parks at its April 26 meeting.

The plan was named a goal of the Washington County Board of Supervisors earlier this week at its annual strategic planning meeting.

The goals set by the County Board indicate the items of the highest importance to the County.


The goals of the Fiscal Sustainability Plan are to make the County Parks independent from the County Property Tax Levy, “offer access to unique amenities and natural resources” and “foster fiscal responsibility, sustainable services, operational excellence, trust and transparency by ensuring accountability, integrity, efficiency and innovation, and align more appropriately with the County’s Results, such as “provides an interconnected system of safe trails and paths that enhance the mobility of the community.”

“Earlier this year, I said we were going to create a plan that would innovate at a pace faster than ever before,” said Central Services Director Jamie Ludovic.  “Our team has prepared a plan that I believe was done openly, honestly, optimistically and presents a solution that will ultimately improve the services and experiences of Washington County residents. I encourage you to read it and contact me with any questions or concerns.”

Items of interest included in the draft plan include the following:

·         Implementing park entrance fees and annual park stickers for park users (2018);

·         Additional planning efforts related to the County’s First Bike & Pedestrian Plan and Glacier Hills County Park;

·         Implementing specific revenue generating/enhancing amenities and activities in County Parks;

·         Enhancing partnerships throughout the County and increasing the focus on utilizing volunteers; and

·         Soliciting offers for sale of non-priority parks/properties for funding strategic acquisitions.

For more information, please visit co.washington.wi.us or contact 262-306-4445.

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