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VIDEO | Rebroadcast of 8th annual Veterans Tribute at Museum of Wisconsin Art

Cute kids with veterans at MOWA

Nov. 5, 2018 – West Bend, WI – The West Bend Common Council presented a salute to veterans during its Monday night meeting as the 8th annual Veterans Tribute was held at the Museum of Wisconsin Art.

Guests included the West Bend Police Department Honor Guard, the Vivace choir including students Isis Austin, Brianna Barnes, Delaney Breit, Phoebe Faulkner, Paige Hauck and Samantha Hillshafer.

Merlin Stockhausen during the veterans ceremony



There was an invocation by Pastor Caleb Roth from First Baptist Church. West Bend East High School teacher Scott Mindel was a guest speaker along with Former VFW National Commander-in-Chief Thomas J. Tradewell, Sr.

Veteran Joel Hausmann led everyone in singing God Bless America.

Korean War vet Nick Habersetzer

The evening was organized by Common Sense Citizens of Washington County.

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