54.1 F
West Bend

VIDEO | Advisory referendum on today’s ballot for voters in West Bend


April 3, 2018 – West Bend, WI – There will be four questions on an advisory referendum on the April 3 ballot for taxpayers in the city of West Bend. All questions are intended to gauge the interest of taxpayers and how critical they feel it is to spend more money on roads.



Jan. 9, 2018 – West Bend, WI – The West Bend Common Council voted 5-1 on Monday to move forward with an advisory referendum on the April 3 ballot.

Dist. 8 alderman Roger Kist cast the only dissenting vote. Aldermen Steve Hutchins and John Butschlick were absent.

According to a memo from Dist. 5 alderman Rich Kasten, the Long Range Transportation Planning Committee recommended moving forward with the four question advisory referendum just to gauge the interests of taxpayers and how critical they feel it is to spend more money on roads.

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