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Hartford Plan Commission approves concept plan for Casey’s General Store | By Samantha Sali

Jan. 13, 2018 – Hartford, WI – This week the Hartford Plan Commission approved the concept plan for the development of a Casey’s General Store to be built on Highway 60, near Walmart.

The concept plan by the civil engineer and land surveyor company Arc Design shows the gas station/convenience store will be located on the northwest corner of Liberty Avenue and State Trunk Highway 60 next to the commercial strip center.

The approved concept plan includes 10 fuel-pump stations, fuel canopy, and a convenience store. 

The two proposed driveways, one with access Liberty Avenue as a right-turn entrance and the second connected to the strip center, are still being reviewed. 

The Plan Commission also reviewed a petition to annex two parcels from the Town of Hartford to further facilitate development of a Casey’s General Store. The parcels include the northwest corner of Liberty Avenue and Highway 60 currently in the Town of Hartford.

They are still working out details with the adjacent property owner regarding access points,” said Hartford City Administrator Steve Volkert. “Once finished, they will be back for the annexation petition.” 

At the Town of Hartford Planning Commission meeting the Town Commission sent the territorial agreement with the City to the joint Planning Commission.  

The Town Plan Commission was asking for clarification on the agreement. The issue will hopefully come back to the Town Commission in February.   

In addition to waiting for the annexation petition, the Plan Commission wait for the formal building design, engineering, landscaping, and lighting plans from Casey’s. 


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