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Germantown Police take two people into custody following theft at Walmart


Dec. 4, 2017 – Germantown, WI On Sunday, Dec. 3, 2017 at approximately 6 p.m. the Germantown Police Department took a report of a theft in progress at Walmart, W190 N9855 Appleton Ave.

Germantown  Police Officers located the suspect vehicle on County Line Road and gave pursuit.

The suspect vehicle fled southbound on I41 reaching speeds of approximately 110 mph. The suspect vehicle crashed at STH145 and 91st. The two occupants fled on foot and GPD officers continued their pursuit on foot.

Both suspects were taken into custody. The suspect driver is a 36-year-old male from Milwaukee and the suspect passenger is a 39-year-old female from Milwaukee.

Both the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Dept. and Milwaukee Police Dept. assisted GPD Officers during the foot pursuit.

The male suspect had five outstanding warrants for his arrest and the female had four outstanding warrants for her arrest.

A request for charges was sent to the Washington County District Attorney on the female for retail theft, possession of heroin, drug paraphernalia, illegally obtained prescription medication and resisting/obstructing.

Charges requested on the male for felony eluding, retrial theft and resisting/obstructing.




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