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West Bend

Celebrating Catholic Schools Week

Jan. 30, 2017 – Washington Co., WI – Catholic Schools Week is underway across Washington County as schools participate in Mass, dress-up day and the naming of the winner of the Mother Cabrini award. On that note we reached out to graduates of parochial schools in the community to get their reflections on how a Catholic School education impacted their life.

Ann Enright: I attended Holy Trinity Catholic School, Kewaskum, from 1951-1959.  Our teachers were nuns from the order of The Sisters of St. Agnes. Their mother house was and still is in Fond du lac, WI.

There were four classrooms with two grades per room.  The nuns were pious about their faith, well educated and loved their jobs. They expected respect and students to work up to their abilities, no less.

Demanding quality personal effort was a motivator for me which I have continued to apply in my careers as wife, mother, real estate broker and citizen.

English, History and Geography were my favorite subjects.  High School classes were a breeze because I had such a good foundation.  I think I can still diagram a sentence and say most of the Gettysburg Address thanks to those nuns.

Religion was taught with enthusiasm and that enthusiasm has remained with me to the present.  I am still learning and taking Bible classes.

Check out the schedules below for daily activities at St. Frances Cabrini and Holy Angels School.

If your school would like to submit its schedule of events email it to washcoinsider@gmail.com

 Catholic Schools Week – 2017   Holy Angels School…

During the week beginning January 29, Holy Angels will join schools throughout the country in celebrating Catholic Schools Week. The local theme for the West Bend Catholic schools is again ”The Good News in Education.”  With many changes taking place in public schools across the state, Catholic schools continue to be the good news in what schools can provide.

In addition to a strong core curriculum, there is a continued emphasis at Holy Angels on fine arts and world languages.  Holy Angels students use a variety of technologies as tools for learning…junior high students use personal Chromebooks as part of their daily experience. The Project Lead the Way curriculum  Robotics Club offer pre-engineering components for junior high students. The HABC broadcasting club creates news programs for broadcast. The Resource Learning Centers provide a multitude of enrichment opportunities and additional learning support.

Over and above the curriculum, our Catholic faith is emphasized here at Holy Angels: strong moral values, Catholic social teaching and service, and respect for life. The entire community has been emphasizing our call to show our faith by our works. In particular, school families have again provided Meals on Wheels in connection with CSW.

During Catholic Schools Week, we will celebrate many of the important aspects of our school which make it special…academics, faith formation, extra-curriculars, community building, family involvement.

The week’s activities will include:
Monday – Catholic Quiz Bowl (8:25 – primary, 9:10 – intermediate, 10:30 – junior high)
Tuesday – Career Day
Wednesday – Fun4All Day: bowling, swimming, skating, and tubing
Thursday – All-City Mass at Holy Angels
Friday – Student/Faculty Basketball Game (1:40pm)

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